来源:哔哩哔哩    时间:2023-04-30 22:14:51

*Concept map by Maeron and Maestro. Development log written by Maestro and edited by elijy. *

Hello there! Welcome to our second Development Log, named "We Wisely Started with a Map"!


This DevLog will include important informations regarding how we plan to release our campaign, what parts of the map we are planning to include and what changes have been made to it since the last time you saw it in #previews and in the #dev-logs.

Let's start with our faction release for the campaign!





Inching closer to our first release, we'll be bringing Middle-earth to the Total War community in three stages. Much like Warhammer (and that is about where the comparison stops!), the map, its factions and iconic places will be released in three stages.

These three stages will unlock playable factions, with some remaining unplayable in all three releases.

Our first release aims at bringing to life the key areas of Middle-earth in the conflicts of the Late Third Age. Focusing in the wars in the eastern and southern parts of Middle-Earth, we strive to feature all lands south of the river Isen and east of the Misty Mountains, with the majority of factions located there being playable from the get-go such as: Gondor, Rohan, Isengard, Mordor, Haradrim, Easterlings, Erebor, Dale, Woodland Realm, Dol Guldur. As we progress, in the second release, we aim to unlock as playable factions those situated in the same area on the map, including Gundabad, Anduin-Vale, Lothlórien, Goblins and the two Orocarni factions. Finally, upon third release, we'll open up all of western Middle-earth as well, adding to the list of playable factions Rangers/Arnor, Dunland, Lindon and Imladris.

The reasoning behind this was to favour a more simple way to handle StartPositions, which are the starting positions (duh!) of the kingdoms of Middle Earth! What provinces do they occupy, which buildings are built there, what armies they have at their disposal and so on... the sooner this is done in a definitive way, the better for our scripters. At the same time, dividing the factions will help us deliver the campaign to you in a much faster fashion, so that we don't have to design and include all of the factions before they are in any way tested together.

As such, these will be the playable factions included in the three different releases:



在第一次更新里,我们旨在将整个中土第三纪元战争的风暴眼呈现出来,致力于描绘中土南部和东方的战事,艾森河以南,迷雾山脉以东的地区。位于此地的主要派系大多从一开始就可玩,比如:刚铎,洛汗,艾辛格,魔多,哈拉德,东夷,埃瑞博(孤山),河谷邦,林地王国,多古尔都。随着制作的深入,我们会进行第二次更新。在第二次更新里,我们注重于继续更新在地图上在同一地区已有的其他可玩派系,比如刚达巴山,安度因河谷,罗斯洛瑞安,哥布林,和两支红山矮人。最后将进行第三次更新,我们也将在这次更新里开放整个中州西部,加入 游侠/亚尔诺,登兰德,林顿,和伊姆拉缀斯(即瑞文戴尔)。


Taking a look at our map, we should say from the onset that we've tried as best as possible to honour all the names we know Tolkien gave us; meaning lands, cities, peoples and stories as well. To fill the gaps, we've strived (we'll save you most of the lore-master talk) as much as possible to rely on what we think Tolkien would have done if he had had more time to expand on his legendarium. This goes for everything from names to important places on the map, even as we're fitting it into a Total War: Attila setting.

With that out of the way, go around a quick tour around our concept map!


Lets start at the bulwark of the Free Peoples resistance against the Shadow: Gondor. Gondor is one of our main factions and comes with a large starting territory harbouring many cities and strong places, tucked safely between mountain and water, waiting for the return of greatness to their realm and the reblooming of the White Tree. However, across the river lurks Mordor: an impenetrable mountain fortress with its beating industrial heart closest to Gondor. Aided by orcs in Dol Guldur, Mordor is ready to strike anywhere in MiddleEarth from safe boundaries, not only filling its ranks with orcs.

To the south and east, many vassals bow down in service to the Dark Tower. However, the Southrons and Easterlings have other business to attend to for the moment, for conflict, strife and turmoil trouble their lands. In Harad, a strong faction of Haradrim with iconic serpent banners upon scarlet rules the deserts, but in the jungles further south still live fiercely independent tribes of Far Harad, ferocious in battle as they adorn their bodies with war paint and ride the mighty Mûmakil. Further west, the Corsairs control the shores. Although they relish only hatred for Gondor, their allegiance to a Haradrim Union in service to Mordor is not a given and must be won by force. A Haradrim player, if committed, is in a good position to win these wars, but they must inevitably be attended to properly first. If shown strength, they will join the Haradrim ranks in fights beyond the deserts of Harad.




In the East, the situation is more chaotic. The strongest tribe in the Rhûnic plains has pledged allegiance to Sauron, but the men of Rhûn are scattered and already in conflict. From all sides, there is opposition for dominion of Rhûn: Variags, Balchoth and many others vie for power. Bloody tribal warfare dominates the opening stages of the Eastern side of the map right from the onset.

Meanwhile, Dwarven Houses of the East reside in their mountains. Long-established ties between the Ironfists and Stiffbeards have seen the rise of Union between the two in the nothern Orocarni ranges, in an uneasy relationship with the currently stronger Blacklocks and Stonefoots, also in league with each other. The Dwarves are stubborn, though unruly and with little contact from their Erebor kin. While all is at peace for the moment, the troubles of the world reach even as far east as the Orocarni, and Sauron's near influence is great. The future of the Orocarni is, as of yet, greatly ambiguous.

To know more about the Orocarni check out the first DevLog, Dwarves of the East! https://discord.com/channels/328911806372511744/993188926049235009/993191881494233098




Troubles in the east give some respite to Dale, a smaller nation reaching outward along trade lines over water and land and in pursuit of wealth, food supplies and security. Dale's settlement of the sparsely-populated lands is ongoing, though their borders are stretched and under-defended. Still, the heart of their Kingdom, the cities south of Erebor and upon the Long Lake, are tucked away safely, far away from Eastern threats for now. What is more, Erebor, rich and powerful, shields the north from orc incursions. The Dwarves are strong and willing to fight, though their race is dwindling in number. The Dwarves look west to their ancient halls desecrated by forces of evil, who have turned their homes into staging grounds for raids and war preparations. Special expeditions to the Halls of their forefathers, in Moria, Gundabad and the Grey Mountains, must secure these places come back into Dwarven hands. This is no easy assignment, however: the orcs of Gundabad, having long remained dormant in ancient tunnels, have stirred again and are slowly repopulating long-deserted places in Old Angmar. Meanwhile, the Goblins have multiplied rapidly, now in control of all the tunnels in the misty mountains from north to south. Their holdings are strong, and the threat they exert is great.


Whilst Sauron's grip on the world is strengthening and evil is stirred by Sauron's will, a change of loyalty by a former ally of the Free Peoples means war will come onto Men from all sides: Isengard is turning sides. While not yet having declared allegiance to Sauron openly, Isengard is unchallenged and follows a path of its own. Saruman is preparing a force of Uruk-hai, stronger than orcs (with thick armour and broad shields we can assume), striking against Rohan aided by Dunlending allies who will take the blunt of Rohan's defences and form the vanguard of Rohan's new western enemies. Rohan, however, is weak, as the rule of the King Théoden is failing as a consequence of an unknown illness. Corruption, confusion and poisonous council trouble the Rohirrim, as evil draws in on them from all sides.


Awaiting the inevitable assault of Shadow, the Elves hold on to their last remaining sanctuaries east of the Sea. In Mirkwood, the Halls of Thranduil still bring peace to the northernmost reaches of the forest. If the Woodland Realm cannot march out to meet the enemy, war will come to them instead. Further south and west rule Galadriel and Celeborn in a realm of well-protected borders and bliss, though closer to Moria and Dol Guldur strongholds. The Lord and Lady of the Wood have the monumental task of preserving their forest from all kinds of threats, while the Ring of Water Galadriel bears is increasingly corrupted by Sauron's growing influence. Across the mountains, there still lies Rivendell, home to High Elves and hidden from sight. While there is still strength left in Elrond's realm, every elf life lost there is a permanent sacrifice, for he rules a realm in decay and in a doubtful future. A similar troubled fate looms for Lindon: a larger realm, but emptying, as Círdan's folk migrate across the sea and few elves remain in Middle-earth. Círdan must ensure the Straight Road is kept open for his Elf-kind to leave to safer shores, although a glimmer of hope may yet remain that Lindon has the strength to aid the Men of the West a final time.

And finally, scattered in the wilds, are bands of Rangers amongst whom is rumoured to be the ultimate hope of Men. The Rangers, grouped together in small packs with no settlement, are few in number, with even fewer of their kind coming into this world. Yet, their duty is to safeguard the many helpless and blissfully ignorant of the threats of the wilder world, so that one day, perhaps, these peoples will be the beginning of a new realm in Eriador, in succession of long-lost glory of Arnor. Indeed, the Rangers may one day become the rulers of such a realm, but only if the scattered peoples of Eriador survive to inhabite it.




Well, there you have it, all of our map! Since last time, we made some changes. Notably, we've made Gondor larger and rearranged some of its borders as we felt we hadn't done as much justice to Tolkien's lay-out of Gondor and its peoples and places. We had a similar feeling in Mirkwood, where we added a province to make sure the borders align with the forest edges. This also allowed us to properly place the Woodsmen on the map as part of the Anduin Vale's starting domain. We also added more definition to Harondor, as it previously wasn't deemed fit enough to harbour the many conflicts between Gondor, the Corsairs and Haradrim. And of course, we added the Orocarni so to house the Orocarni Dwarves.

With the preview of the AI Tool that is being prepared for the campaign, and these concepts arriving at an hopefully implementable stage, we inch ever closer to the release of the campaign. With this devlog, we hope we have satisfied your curiosities on how the factions will be released and on the rest of our work for it as well. 

Let us know what you think of it in #general-chat and don't forget to hit the green_circle green reaction in #deleted-channel to get the role of @Followers and be updated as soon as we release a DevLog or other news!

See you for the next DevLog!





